Waynesboro Church of the Brethren

Church Address:
117 South Church St.
Waynesboro, PA 17268
Phone: 717-762-3835
September thru May June thru August
Sunday school Sunday School
9:30 am 9:00 am
Morning Worship Morning Worship
10:40 am 10:00am
Prayer Sessions
Prayer sessions will be held every Thursday morning at 10:00 am. in the Parlor and is open to any church member. The church family is encouraged to place prayer requests in the Prayer Box located at the Visitor's Center in the lobby. All requests will be held up in prayer by the prayer session group. Great Things Happen When God's People Pray!
Church Directory Instructions
Instructions for logging-in, viewing, printing, and saving the new church directory may be accessed by clicking here.
Sunday Church Service Prelude Videos
The Prelude videos used during the Sunday morning services are available at this web site. These videos play with background music.
Click here to view them:
Upcoming Events
Radio Broadcasts From the Past 1970's & 80's
During the 1970's and 80's the Waynesboro Church of the Brethren partnered with WAYZ radio station to broadcast a 15 minute song and meditation program which aired on Sunday afternoons. The church is recording these tapes in digital format and some will be available to listen to on this web site. Below is a sample program. More can be found on the Radio Meditations web page by clicking here.
Joyful Seekers Sunday School Class
The parables of Jesus make up a crucial part of the Bible. A parable uses the full story to produce the spiritual lesson. The Joyful Seekers are studying the parables listed in the Book of Matthew and Luke and how they relate to us today. Our class format is discussion oriented intended to give everyone a chance to give their input on the subject.
We are a welcoming class and invite all interested people to come and enjoy a time of fellowship and learning with other Christians.
Teacher: Sandy Koziel