Adult Sunday School Program

Joyful Seekers Fellowship

Fidelis Homebuilders Class

The Joyful Seekers will be studying Great Characters of the Bible starting Sunday, September 1st.

We will start with Simon Peter, "the Rock". We will than continue with other famous characters such as Joseph, "Jesus' earthly father",and Mary, "the mother of Jesus" which will take us through Christmas 2023. By the 1st of the year we will continue with John the Baptist, Martha and Mary of Bethany and others.

As we study these and other characters, we will gain helpful insights into principles of effective Christian living and service today. This study will teach us how God uses ordinary people just like us and how God deals with our imperfections and limitations.

Our Sunday School class is open to all who would like to join us each and every Sunday. We can provide you with the Bible we're using for our studies. The class uses a discussion format for the most part. Feel free to visit our class and bring a friend if you wish.

Teacher: Sandy Koziel

The study is "David: Seeking a Heart Like His" by Beth Moore.

"If you've ever experienced doubts, temptations, inconsistencies, losses, or anguish over family problems, join Beth Moore (and Sunday school) on an exciting and intimate journey to know King David, the man after God's own heart."

Teacher: Stephanie Behnke