Adult Sunday School Program

Joyful Seekers Fellowship

Fidelis Homebuilders Class

The Joyful Seekers are presently having discussions on various biblical questions. We are using the NIV Quest question and answer study Bible for our discussions. During each class we are able to study and read from the Bible the answers to our questions.

This is a different approach to learning what the Bible has to say about a particular topic being discussed. We are able to compare our opinions with what the Bible says and it makes for an interesting discussion as the whole class gets involved. The Quest Bible provides the class with many questions asked by our fellow Christians, as well, and are quite relevant to our society today.

We will be following this study for most of the summer and will be studying Peter, the Rock, this Fall. Our Sunday School class is open to all who would like to join us each and every Sunday. We can provide you with the Bible we're using for our studies. Feel free to visit our class.

Teacher: Sandy Koziel

The study is "David: Seeking a Heart Like His" by Beth Moore.

"If you've ever experienced doubts, temptations, inconsistencies, losses, or anguish over family problems, join Beth Moore (and Sunday school) on an exciting and intimate journey to know King David, the man after God's own heart."

Teacher: Stephanie Behnke